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03.05.2004 Monday morning @ 4:00 a.m.
*I really miss them!*

Shock is when you check one of your "online organisations" and discover that your ex-student has just added you to his/her contact list. (pause for dramatic effect) Whut? Say that again??

Yeah, so an ex-student of mine has added me. She was my student 2 years back and she was only 8 then. (The Maths is not difficult eh, so count please.) I was like, "Huh?? She's here??" Wow wow, super wow.

I wonder how she is now. Been so long since I last saw her and the rest of the girls. I miss my girls. One of them is already keeping in touch with me through emails. The previously-mentioned one...well, she's sent me lots of messages through Yahoo. (Kids these days are SO advanced.) Thing is, I don't have nor use Yahoo anymore. I don't like it. So girls, if you happen to stumble upon 'lil Miss Suhaila's journal here, please take note that I use MSN and occasionally, ICQ. Want to drop me an email? Just click that "blackmail" link up there, that's right, and I'll reply as soon as possible (which does not mean straightaway soon as sometimes I can be tied up with work and more work). There, said it.

Last words...I MISS MY GIRLS! Sigh.

. . .

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