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22.07.2004 Thursday afternoon @ 4:48 p.m.
*Meeting Mdm Gihan*

I was seated at the fountain area in The Heereen yesterday, marking some worksheets. Marking marking marking and talking incessantly to myself. Such a bad habit of much so that people are likely to think I'm crazy. (Who wouldn't??)

Anyway, as I was about two-thirds into my marking, a man sat beside me. He wasn't sitting nearly that close, but somehow on my end, I felt as if my personal space was just about to get smaller. It was only when I heard a female voice greeting me assalamu'aleykum, that I turned and realised that the man was with a woman, presumably his wife.

She was wearing a scarf and glasses, and she had this calm, scholarly look. I was slightly surprised that she chose to talk to me, but I wasn't that shocked with her question that followed.

"Are you a school teacher?"

I'd already guessed that she might be one herself, but well, I replied in the affirmative. I guess it was so obvious with the amount of worksheets I was marking. :p Found out that she and her husband are from Cairo, Egypt, and that both of them are currently in the education line as well. Her husband, the man who had unintentionally invaded my personal space, is currently a vice-principal of a school in Cairo (not sure of the level). She didn't elaborate on herself though, but no matter. :)

After a brief chat, she requested for a picture together. So we smiled for the camera that her husband was holding. Following that, she wrote her name on a piece of paper as well as her telephone number in Cairo and told me that, if ever I should visit there, be sure to give her a call and she would welcome me to stay in her home. :)

Insya Allah.

. . .

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