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25.07.2004 Sunday night @ 11:00 p.m.
*Say cheese!*

Yesterday saw me in Esplanade Park, sitting down on the stone ledge, leaning against the parapet, while facing the bridge separating the park and the Theatres-on-the-Bay itself. It was about after 1 or so thereabouts, and I was merely enjoying a solitary moment, indulging myself in a wonderful whodunnit. Of course, a solitary moment wouldn't be complete without good, blasting music.

So there I was, absorbed in my reading, slightly oblivious to my surroundings. I wasn't sure how long I'd been reading, when my peripheral vision noticed a man beckoning to me on my left. Surprised, I removed my headphones.

He had a camera with him and he was gesturing to it while uttering in Japanese-styled broken English, something about "taking picture". I thought, okay, let's get your picture then. To my next surprise, he vehemently objected when I put down my book and started to get down from the ledge.

"No no no. You (placed my headphones on my head and my book on my lap)..and I... (gestures to his camera)"

Woah, he wanted me to pose, no kidding. Well, I don't know much about posing so I merely continued to do what I'd been doing up till the short interruption. After he was done, he came up to me, all smiles. "Thank you," he said in his broken English.

Well, thank you, for making me feel like a model. *beam*

. . .

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