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15.08.2004 Sunday night @ 9:33 p.m.

Been surfing aimlessly online, reading about other people's lives, viewing their happy memories etc. Suddenly there is an influx in weddings. Received a text message from a friend; she wanted to invite me to her wedding which would be held on September 11. Significant aye? And someone told me that someone else would be tying the knot, sometime in September or October. Heh, influx in weddings indeed.

Reading about people's married lives is even more interesting. We all have our ideals on what marriage is all about, but I guess when you look at it through someone else's perpectives (good or bad), you do have to think again about the ideals that you hold on to. Of course, we all know it's not all pure bliss. Comes with even more trials and tribulations, because let's face it, your partner might be a totally different person before and after marriage. Since you don't live with him/her before marriage, it might be an ultra-shock to discover the dark and deep skeletons hiding in his/her closet aye?

As much as I hate to admit it, I have a feeling I *might* be turning into a minah kahwin-kahwin one of these days. *gulp*

P/S: Though it's not kahwin to you, is it? *wink*

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