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10.11.2004 Wednesday afternoon @ 4:14 p.m.
*Bleah (I think this has been a title already)

What am I doing in school? That is the question I've been asking myself since 1 pm. This is way past the supposed time to leave. Blergh.

Blame it on a missing name in the school system files. That plus a whole lotta running around for his missing MT marks have added a few more hours of unnecessary work. Double blergh! Baik-baik nak cabut siang nak tidur kat rumah pun tak jadi.'s okay. Like my former RO-cum-PE-HOD always said, "Take it as a learning experience, good exposure." Exposure kebabai.

So now I'm still stuck in school, completing some paperwork before I scoot off to meet her. Really, I've been looking forward to that since yesterday. Though you know, anything else other than school is worth looking forward to, yah?

And I don't know why, but I've been thinking about that boy FL. Ugh!

. . .

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