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29.01.2005 Saturday night @ 9:20 p.m.

My 6plus7plus8plusyearolds keep me super busy in English and Maths. All the sharpening of pencils and cleaning the board and handing in work and vieing for *stars*. And when I bestowed some chocolate upon Yellow group for being the best-behaved group of the week, the other groups immediately cleaned up their act and started putting fingers to their lips, with envious stares of course.

My P1s really crack me up.

Meanwhile, I have observed that my P5 boys are SUPER fantastic at balls! Basketball, netball, captain's ball. They are so aggressive but really very good! (Noticed this during a girls VS boys match.) And I thought the best class always has nerdy, stick-in-the-mud boys (judging from past years). This bunch is really happening man. Hmmmm, and I never realised how *cute* one particular Thai boy is when he's using the overhead pass to throw a ball. Okay, not just him. Perhaps a few others aye?

Damn it.

My P5 girls are a mature bunch, some already blossoming into young beauties. However, they haven't really gotten to the vain stage yet. None of them (it seems) are fussing over their hair or face or nails, thank God. Could be due to them being in the best class, thus mostly pre-occupied with homework and grades.


Anyway, workload's not too bad; getting the hang of the new year's. Colleagues are uber-nice as well, even though I miss my bestest sister-colleague (read previous entry). Jokes and whatnots inbetween lessons, har har. And who can forget the daily tidbits.

Thank heavens for the OM! He's a Godsent.

Oh well. Am not missed.

. . .

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