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04.02.2005 Friday morning @ 1:48 a.m.
*A crack on the head*

I've been home about 6 hours ago and yet I've not been rid of my working clothes nor have I cleansed my teeth. (Am known to be an oral cleanliness freak.) Instead, I've been surfing on and off, caught the telly, gobbled up a whole packet of KitKats with the mam, edited an old layout to suit the guestbook (more on this later) and chatted with someone over the phone. I have a weekly meeting at 10.30 later on and I should be in bed right now instead of being glued to Alchemy @ Yahoo! Games (am such a strategy games whore).

Actually, I should have done the cleansing bit ages ago but due to my peecee being unable to log in to the guestbook members' area (I can do so from school), I've thus decided to reuse the matching layout, with a wee bit of tweaking here and there, to give it an "edgier" look (my foot, haha).

Spot the difference, anyone?

. . .

Khiddee is a nice name. *grin*

And if any of you boys and girls from school *happen* to hop your way here and *happen* to find out about your teacher's evil mind, feel free to let me know in the face. I don't bite P5s.

*sinister smile*


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