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18.07.2005 Monday afternoon @ 4:37 p.m.
*Of codes and secrets*

I'd wanted to post the typical random entry but spontaneity overcame me.

As of recently, I've been hooked on codes i.e. encrypting, code-breaking etc. No surprise, I've been influenced by the Dan Brown books in my collection and by him. We share the same interests dude! *snigger snigger*

The following is something I wrote in code. Try to decipher it if you can, based on guessing what the most common alphabet is in the English language.

Have fun and good luck! :-)

. . .

<#+5 %5#%@5 06$ 75 <*04 %/80&<. {4} 06$��> >45} 9*<> 6D+8> >458/ #{$ +8<>6&5< 8$<>561 #3 <483>8$2 >45 7@6+5 ># #>45/<, 55/} 3*0&5$ <8$2@5 >8+5? %@56<5, 9*<> 2/#{ *% 6@/561}!

>48< +5<<625 8< 3#/ 7#>4 #3 }#*.

. . .

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