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29.07.2005 Friday morning @ 1:12 a.m.
*Who ate the chilli yo?*

Just a little note to remind myself to *always* use standard and grammatical English whenever I decide to post. Hmmmm..of course, there will be times when the situation will require me to be sinfully informal as much as I want to. And hell, I did that a lot of times, when I first started this journal. (See 2001 entries. Horrible plus terrible, as an old Maths teacher would exclaim in her thick Chinese tongue, haha.)

However, I can safely say that I *try* to write as grammatically-correct as I can. Though you know, I ought to do that since I am, after all, teaching English. Tsk. However, spend one day in my class and you'll notice that I don't speak it as well as I should.

The tiny tots need all the lahs, lehs, hors and mehs to amuse themselves. *smirk*

But, I try.

Anyhow, how many of us actually make the effort to write as grammatically-correct as possible in letters, emails, journals etc?

Hands up? No?

Hmmm, just a small thought. Is it possible to write as well as we speak? Oh wait a minute...we don't even speak that well, do we? beh suay.

Saya punya olang, cakap ini machiam. Lu ada ploblem? Mali sini, lu settle sama gua!


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