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10.09.2005 Saturday morning @ 1:52 a.m.

I think I have a toothache.

Let me just remind you, that I've not been to a dentist since what, secondary? Or maybe JC? (I don't recall ever going to the dentist in those 2 years.) And I am an oral hygiene freak. Ugh. Wonder what this ache means.

It's not a terrible ache, but it just throbs you know? I hate that. The slow throbbing that gently pounds on you, even when you're still. Or worse, when you're sleeping. You can just feel it.

Well, we all know what this means. It's the dentist tomorrow, pronto baby. If I've shrugged off any form of pain or aches in the past, this one is going to be dealt with tomorrow.

(Dear God, please don't let the dentist pull out any tooth. Amen.)

. . .

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