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10.09.2005 Saturday morning @ 6:40 a.m.

I have thus truly embraced my nocturnal nature i.e. being truly active from night till morning (being consumed by Literati) and only falling into slumber from late morning till evening. Which is really bad for a person who has to work in the afternoon (and sometimes the entire day as well). Or maybe just bad in general.


But you know, that's not what's bugging me. Or not really anyway. I'm just chaffed by the fact that the holidays (can you really call it that??) have just zoomed by, literally, and I'm left with only two days to enjoy myself silly. Well!

Though you might ask, what the bloody hell have I done/accomplished the past week then? Humm.

For a start, I spent the early days trying to kick myself into the holiday mood. Managed to meet up with an old friend and the boyfriend before midweek, which then was interrupted by a day's meeting in school. The only good thing which came out from said meeting was a free lunch by the English HOD. After which I became totally lethargic and continued to stone out in a zombified state for two whole days. I even rejected another friend's offer to watch his band due to my newly-obtained-and-softly-throbbing-toothache, which sounds mean but really, ngilu tau tak!

That just means numb.

Which brings me to today. One of my plans is to visit the dentist but we'll see how that turns out eventually. You know how procrastination is my middle name.


. . .

20 years ago, 1985

I was 3 years old, in diapers most probably and refusing to eat. All my relatives testified that I had to be coaxed into eating, and sometimes they had to sing and dance along just to get 3-year-old me to eat. Ummm, I don't remember anything else.

10 years ago, 1995

PSLE days were over and it was my first time in a single-sex school. Was an overweight kid (see what happened when my family finally succeeded in persuading me to consume as much food as possible?) and had to enter TAF Club. No kidding. It was also the first time I ever knew that I could wear track pants during PE lessons, and I was ecstatic, as I could hide my (still) chunky thighs. Learnt the meaning of camaraderie and sisterly bonding with the best class I could possibly ever have: 1/7 (also 2/7). It was also the time when I was properly interested in music and initiated the fortnightly shopping of teen magazines. Ahh...those were the days, when I was young and knew not the meaning of shame. :-P

5 years ago, 2000

NOT mugging for my 'A' levels is what I distinctively remember. Of course, being in Year 2 of JC had its perks; I was a senior, I could bully the juniors (but I *never* did) and I was also familiar with the school staff and surroundings. Lining up at the always-jammed Malay stall (see the reference to food again?) during breaks, stealing glimpses of my favourite Literature tutor, making up silly nicknames for people...that was the time when I started to forge a deeper link with the few whom I consider my closest friends now. Since I was usually the odd one out with the Arts combination, the only subject that we all could study together for was 'C' Maths. It was my favourite subject and hell yeah, I scored well for it, thank God. But I still flunked Econs, hahaha!

3 years ago, 2002 contract teaching year. THE year that I got to know my lovely 2E girls. They were my 2nd form class (the ones in the previous year made up a truly horrible experience) and also *the* best for their level at the time. No matter how naughty they were, I still loved them like my own. :-) And yes, 2002 was also the year when I became closer with some people, only to fall out with one, never to rekindle ties again. Ever. But I'm grateful for the experience, because it had taught me a very good lesson in life (which I probably deserved). Very very thankful to God for having opened my eyes, and particularly grateful for the few close friends. They saved me, they really did.

Last year, 2004

The start to a wonderful relationship with a wonderful man. ;-) All done with the nitty-gritties of pretend teaching, I emerged a full-fledged, trained member of the education industry. Entered my current school and was introduced to a bunch of wonderful colleagues, some of whom are now considered friends. Again, as I'd started work in the middle of the year, I had thus been given a class which could be considered the most notorious in the level. But deep down, most of them are good kids. Oh yes, one of my closest friends got engaged and another got married. ;-)

This year, 2005

Still very much in lerrrb. Got my current bunch of kiddos. Always terrorising them with various punishment methods (but I wayang only la) and also loving them like my own. Yet another close friend got engaged, woot, and will be married by the end of the year. As for myself, I *think* I've mellowed down a bit in terms of socialising. (Am ultra-boring now.) The same can't be said for work though, hurhurhur.

I shall stop here because I don't know what the future holds for me (sorry eh Cik Siti tak continue panjang-panjang), because I'm brain-dead, because my stomach is empty and because I can't write on an empty stomach. This has been pretty long and highly likely to be gibberish but I hope it will stimulate your minds to do great things.

Or maybe just copy and write it yourself dammnit. Hurhur.

. . .

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