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21.09.2005 Wednesday morning @ 1:03 a.m.
*Gangster teacher*

Yesterday I did relief in P5F, one of the 2 notorious classes in the level.

What I'd thought to be merely a period turned out to be two because no teacher arrived when the bell rang. I waited for 5 minutes. Still no one. I cracked my brain for more ways to keep the class in check; I'd exhausted the games - Hangman, Pictionary (whiteboard style and in drawing only) etc. Threatened them enough with a pair of scissors (bedek-bedek only to cut various body parts of theirs) so I thought, ah bloody hell, I might as well sit down and contribute to the noise!

When you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Anyway, the class next door (P5E, the other notorious class) was also having a hullaballoo so I made my way over and screamed this out: WOI!

Brandished the earlier scissors menacingly at them, complete with glaring, popped-out eyes and then that was it. They shut up. Even after I returned to 5F, 5E remained quiet.

Fantastic lar.

Oh, and the day before yesterday (Monday to be precise), I almost cut off one of my P1 kids' tongues.

Again, bedek-bedek only lar. ;-p

. . .

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