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07.11.2005 Monday morning @ 7:10 a.m.
*Underneath it all*

A few days ago I had soaked my undergarments in a mixture of cold water and lemony detergent, intending to wait overnight before washing them. However, that very same night, I noticed that the entire pail of undergarments had disappeared.

No matter, I thought. Perhaps my mother had kindly washed them alongside another pail of dirty clothes (we wash our laundry the old-fashioned way).

This morning I missed all my undergarments, so I went to rummage in the various cupboards of the house. True enough, I found one bra in my mother's room.

The thing is, my bra is supposed to be white (it being a sports type) but now it has changed to a colour that I loathe.

Yes, you got me. I now have a pink-coloured bra in my possession, not out of choice but by circumstance. Ack.

Thank goodness it's worn under the clothes, heheh.

. . .

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