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31.12.2005 Saturday morning @ 2:39 a.m.
*This is it*

I'm contemplating whether or not I should display the green leaf layout. It's very me, albeit simplistic, but that's how I am. I'm a simple person who likes everything simple and fuss-free. Which makes sense really if and when people comment that I seem "young" or "childish" or even "youthful".

Only children tend to have a simplistic view on life, right?

Anyhow, this is the second layout I've made during the short *whoopie* absence. The first was one using a picture of some Smarties. I'll put that up if and when I'm in the mood.

We'll see.

For now, I shall bid farewell to *whoopie* and embark on a clean slate for 2006.

I feel blessed and happy already. Thank you Allah.

. . .

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