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31.12.2005 Saturday morning @ 5:14 a.m.
*Of the itch and twist*

I'm itching to make another layout. It's what I've been doing at this hour for the past few days.

Speaking of being up, I miss drinking Pepsi Twist. I've not had it for um...a few days now? Yeah I think so. I miss the slight fizzle it makes when I pour it into a mug. (I don't use glasses.) Ahhh! And the smell. The caffeine-induced smell that shoots right up my nostrils and into my brain. Classic! And once you take a little sip, the zest and tanginess of the lemon shakes your body and jolts your brain. Hoohaah!

I love Pepsi Twist. Heheheh.

My brother commented that I'm an addict. He said that I'm high on Pepsi Twist. Well, isn't he right! Oh, and he added that I'm similar to a junkie; if I can't have my regular fix, I'll get cold turkey.

He's so right lar. Maybe that's why I've been sneezing and coughing for the past few days aye? No daily dosage of some lemon twist!


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