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31.12.2005 Saturday morning @ 7:01 a.m.

Wooo, multiple entries baby! And I'm feeling so high now, what's up with that? Mind you, no Pepsi Twist running in this body for the past few days. *snigger snigger*

Managed to send some very important emails with regards to school matters and now I'm left with editing and formulating the scheme of work for my level. I'll have to start on it pretty soon if I want to be in time to leave for work.

And so you might ask, why the heck am I going to school on the last day of the year (a weekend no less)? Well, it's because I have nothing better to do with my time on Saturday mornings (besides watching cartoons and sleeping the day away argh) and I really really need to clear my soon-to-be-old classroom of my signatures, especially the steel cupboard. Jugak sebab ada orang memang menyibuk suruh tu suruh nie, padahal dia sendiri nak ambik alih bilik darjah aku tuh. Mentang-mentang lah kau baru balik cuti sakit. Apa, kau ingat kau lebih tua dari aku, kau boleh anu-anu aku macam amah? Aku tau lah dulu kau sakit tapi kau pun dah baik kan? Porrrdahhh!

Heheheh, only letting off a little steam here. Move along now. ;)

. . .

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