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01.01.2006 Sunday morning @ 5:01 a.m.

I've always wondered, when something goes wrong, is it because of me? Have I said or committed something that was taboo and somehow crossed the line?

Sometimes, I don't even know when something's wrong. Or when it's deemed my fault.

But why does everything have to be my fault? Why do I have to initiate apologies (almost every single time)? Why do I even stress myself up thinking about this, when deep down I know it's not even my fault? I mean, hello? Is it my fault that they're not ready yet? Even I haven't seen them, and I was the one who was featured in every single one of them.

I'm stressed now. Hurhur.

If you feel any ounce of conscience, I hope you know what to do because I'm not going to do anything else.

There, that's it.

. . .

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