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09.01.2006 Monday morning @ 2:37 a.m.

I just realised it's half past two in the morning. I had thought that it was still one plusplus am.


I'd wondered why I'm still fresh. Fret no more! Now that I can recall, I'd partaken a bottle of Twist earlier. Weeehooo. No surprise at the wide eyes. ;)

But don't worry though. 500ml is still little, by my standards. Hurhurhur.

. . .

Must be due to the rain that I'm feeling all retrospective tonight (or this morning).

I love rainy days. It gives me the excuse to pretend I'm in some foreign land where it's all chilly and frozen (despite the fact that I already go brr brr when the air-conditioner in the staff room is at 24 degrees Celcius hahaha).

Let's face it, I don't think I'll ever travel to any snow-filled country or God-forsaken mountaineous region where the peaks are capped with snow. My body is too used to the heat. So what harm can a little pretending do, eh?

Speaking of travelling, Iskandar and me talk about travel plans now and then. Travel plans here refer to the vacation period that we all know as "honeymoon". He's got an idea like what a recently-married colleague experienced with her husband. I don't mind it, but I do have my own ideas of travel haha. Being a person who rarely travels (the last time I'd been out of this tiny island was sometime last year or the year before; can't remember exactly but I'll dig it up for memory's sake), I do go oooh and aaah whenever friends/relatives/colleagues relate their travel experiences to me, be it to the neighbouring country or the Himalayan mountains. ;)

The only travelling I ever do nowadays (besides there to school and back again) is during my reading moments, when I'd get lost in my books. Sure, I've never been to Middle Earth nor Egypt, but just reading about the characters' journeys and adventures makes me feel like I'm really there, a passer-by or on-looker who's experiencing everything through the eyes of another.

Um, just like when I view travelogues/pictures of others. :)

Travelling is something that I'd really like to do, now that I'm earning, young and healthy (alhamdulillah) but then again, time, money and the family kinda pull me back.

Oh well, insya Allah, one fine day then. :)

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