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09.01.2006 Monday morning @ 3:30 a.m.
*On a roll*

Since I'm wide awake and oh-so-fresh from my shower (orang lain mandi siang hari/petang-petang, orang gila macam aku mandi malam/pagi-pagi buta), I might as well quit procrastinating and get SOME WORK done.

Oooh, while I was in the shower earlier, I got me thinking about the weather that we'd been having earlier. Since there's been so much rain, the mozzies must be having a whale of a time laying their eggs in the much-needed water. Then I thought, where were they? (The mozzies lar.)

And hey presto! One mosquito whizzed by while I was conditioning my hair. I tried to clasp it inbetween my foamy hands but ah, my hands slipped.

A few minutes later I saw a very still mosquito floating into the toilet. Hoohoo, not a pretty sight.

And now I must really get some work DONE. :p

. . .

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