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16.04.2006 Sunday morning @ 3:22 a.m.
*The beast*

I'd been meaning to write about this because it was and still is, disturbing. I don't know if it's common or rare in other parts of the world but all I know is, it's one of the most disgusting and abominable acts that could have possibly happened.

The role of a father includes providing for his family, among other things: food, shelter and security. Hence, he is responsible for the growth and safety of his family, especially so for his daughters, up to the point when they are married off (for then the responsibility to care for them will fall unto their lawfully-wedded husbands).

However, in the case that I've linked above, the very same person who should be protecting his daughters from harm, was the one person who had done the utmost harm unto them. I felt ill reading about how he had ravaged his five oldest daughters, one by one, and all within a year. How could he have used and misinterpreted the Qur'an to satisfy his lust? Nothing can justify his monsterly actions.

I felt even more ill when I discovered that the girls' mothers (his wives) had helped him in the process, by pleading with the daughters that they would be "sacrificing" themselves for the greater good. It's just bullshit. Where were their motherly instincts? How could they have been so blind as to allow the beast to rape the very children who had been in their wombs at some point in time? How could they have believed his words? They were no school drop-outs; they've had some form of good education and proper upbringing.

It's just devastating and really sad. I pray for the girls to have the strength and courage to continue living their lives, and to put the horrific episode behind them. Insya Allah, may He bestow hidayah upon them so that they may find peace eventually.

And for that monster of a father, may Allah give him his just desserts, be it now in his existence or in the afterlife. Wallahu'alam bissowab.

. . .

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