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17.04.2006 Monday morning @ 11:35 a.m.
*First time ever (for this year)*

I was aroused from sleep by that all-too-familiar painful sensation in my throat. A cough whizzed in and confirmed my suspicions. I have a sore throat and a really bad one at that. (Blame it on myself for giving in to temptation yesterday by finishing off what's left in the Ben and Jerry's Chocolate carton. Bleah!) Not to mention, there's that constant supply of mucus that has been flowing out of my nose like a paip bocor (that's "broken pipe" for the uninitiated).

Getting into one of my "action terror" modes, I tried to convince myself that I'd scrape through the day (and possibly the week) with self-prescribed medication and plenty of fluids. However, who was I kidding? I knew deep down that I couldn't talk what more torture the tots (okay, you know and I know that I mean "teach", right). So I dragged myself to the doctor this morning and notified the office people (like the good girl I am) that I'm on medical leave today. Furthermore, this is the first time for the year that I've ever taken sick leave from work. :-)

After the lady doctor and me had gone through my current ailments, I decided to mention this to her. She allayed my fears by saying that it had been probably due to fatigue and lack of rest, as the occurrence had been only twice in a span of a week. She added that we would both have to wait and see, if I want her to confirm whether it's what I'd thought it is.

I'm just praying to Allah that it's nothing serious. Insya Allah, there's nothing wrong with me.

And now, time for some food to make way into my empty stomach. Yum yum!

. . .

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