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14.09.2006 Thursday morning @ 3:18 a.m.
*Because 3 is magical*

Ms PB asked three questions, and some of you might know how much I lurrrve answering quizzes and memes alike. However, my brain cells don't appear to be working much at this point in time (judging from the clock!), so I'll leave the following open to all yeah. :)

1. If you knew you could double your money, easily and certainly, in two years, by investing in a company whose activities you seriously disapprove of, would you do it?

2. Should the goal of the penal system be to remove criminals from public, deterring crime by punishment, or rehabilitating wrongdoers?

3. You've been given the responsibility of packing away any three items in a time capsule to be opened up in 400 years. What would you put in there to give folks an idea of what life is like in the early 2000s?

Heh. Any takers?

. . .

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