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17.12.2006 Sunday morning @ 6:08 a.m.
*In my life, I love you more*

Referring to this post, I'm glad to say that we've talked it out and that we're still cool with each other. I'm really really happy and thankful about the outcome of our talk because I wasn't sure how to approach the subject. Thank you dear friend, for being kind enough to listen.

You know it's because I love you. :)

Anyhow, it's interesting to note that although I've had my fair share of disagreements with some of my closest friends, I'm still proud and thankful that we still remain close to this day. I mean, that's just from my perspective. Give and take shifting priorities, responsibilities and work schedules, I think we're still pretty tight.

Despite lesser meet-ups, calls or text messages, what's most important is that you're all in my heart. All of you.

You know who you are. :)

. . .

17.12.2006 Sunday morning @ 1:38 a.m.
*Because I miss you*

I made tiramisu yesterday, courtesy of her. Not the real deal but it suffices for me.

I want to make it for you.

. . .

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