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09.02.2007 Friday afternoon @ 3:36 p.m.
*Scorched and burnt*

At long last, the weekend is here. Anticipation had been torturous because it seemed as if the week was passing by like a snail's pace.

My kids had a day off for today because the pupils from P3-6 had their Annual Sports Meet. Thank God for the event being held in the morning, with no lessons at all, for I can tell you that every teacher felt sore and extremely heaty from being out at the stadium for a full 4 hours plus plus.

Even more so for those who were on duty on the field in the scorching sun e.g. me! I had the same duty as last year's, which was to ready the participants at the starting line of every event. It wasn't so bad between the hours of 8-10 am but from 10 plus onwards, the heat became unbearable. The only consolation was having a clipboard, to shield my face (partially) from the sun, and my water bottle, to quench my thirst.

Other than the blazing heat, the whole event went smoothly, with my Sports House coming in as champion of the entire Meet. Despite not being involved with the practices (as they were done in the afternoon, while I myself am in the PM session), I did feel as if I'd done something for the kids by having designed the banner and the decorative cheering props with 2 other colleagues (who are also teaching in the afternoon). And hey, the kids themselves acknowledged us happily despite not seeing our faces much.

Now that is (partly) why I am doing what I'm doing now. Heheh.

And I better get cracking home if I want to be on time to receive my (ordered) cupcakes!

. . .

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