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11.02.2007 Sunday night @ 10:28 p.m.
*Wrapping up*

I met a friend earlier today. Pretty last minute stuff really. Received a text message and we got everything planned out within a span of 5 minutes.

Since I'd arrived first, plugged my ears to some music while waiting and watching the world go by. A middle-aged Chinese lady even came up to me in the process, on the pretext of asking me some questions for a survey. Unfortunately for her, I belonged to a lower age group so...there went her chance.

When my friend finally arrived, we headed straight for the movie theatre to purchase tickets for this. And I have to say that it's worth every cent. It was so good, I really have no other words to describe it. (And Amelia's nephew, Santiago is so gorgeous lah. Oh, not forgetting the cute Japanese boys. :p) During some parts of the movie, we found ourselves flinching at the characters' behavioural display that would be deemed inappropriate and unsuitable for the younger audience. But, WE are after all adults so yeah, we could sit through those scenes after all. Piece of cake.

Some window-shopping afterwards followed by a much-needed dinner-cum-tension-releasing session at McDonald's. Other eateries were simply too crowded and the one place that did not enter our minds became THE place to sit down and chill at. After about an hour plus talking, we spent a little bit more time window-shopping (again) before calling it a day.

Thank you dear friend, for asking me out. I would have been bored to tears at home otherwise. Let's do this again some time yeah?? :D

. . .

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