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03.03.2007 Saturday night @ 11:58 p.m.
*Of wearing it*

It's two minutes to midnight on my clock. One wedding down, two more to go.

Anyhow, with regards to that previous entry, I was feeling a little riled up over an increasing trend that I've been observing amongst a number of Muslim ladies who don the scarf. Despite being known to wear the scarf, a number of these women are posting pictures of themselves without it.

Now I know it is not my place to judge, for who am I to do so? And yes, I also thought that perhaps these women have their own reasons for taking off the scarf sometimes, reasons that are only known to Him and themselves. However, I do feel that as a fellow Muslim sister, it is my duty to advise them against doing so, for awrah (click here to see the definition of modesty in Islam) is still arwah, whether in physicality or not.

Islam is peaceful, modern and progressive. It isn't just a form of faith or religion, but a way of life. The scarf is there to protect the modesty of Muslim women, so that we may feel safe from unwanted attention from men. It is not a burden but a protection. Hence, I do hope and pray that if you wear the scarf, be aware of the responsibilities that it carries, for instance, modest and appropriate etiquette.

Of course, there are Muslim women who don a piece of cloth around their heads but behave inappropriately or irresponsibly while wearing it. I also hope and pray that they change their mindsets and attitudes, for their own sakes. I hope I don't sound preachy for I'm merely advising as a fellow Muslim. If they feel that they need more time to change, then by all means, remove the scarf until they're ready to put it on again.

I've said enough. Insya Allah, hopefully the unhealthy trend will diminish in time.

. . .

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