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05.04.2007 Thursday noon @ 12:05 p.m.

I just had a short chat with a male colleague, KL. He will be leaving in September to pursue higher education, more specifically, a PHD.

KL is 35 years old, married with a young son.

I really admire his determination and strength. He will leave his wife and child behind when he goes to Northern Ireland for 3 years (returning only during the summers), studying in the school of politics. (This guy has a degree in political science. Don't play play!) A lot of sacrifices will have to be made in order for that to happen, i.e. financially and emotionally.

KL, I've known you for 3 years plus but it's only been a year plus or so that we've truly bonded as colleagues and friends. Dry humour and asinine jokes aside, I will also miss your vocal thoughts and good taste in music. (He rocks, this dude!)

Too many good people have gone, and still going...

. . .

05.04.2007 Thursday morning @ 11:13 a.m.

Change is something that is inevitable in everyone's lives. No matter how resistant we are to change, it is bound to happen sooner or later.

For instance, I've realised that there have been several changes to myself (besides physically) over the years, as listed below.

#1: Anime

Before - I used to hate anime with a passion. I didn't understand how people (guys mostly, at the time) could go gaga over fictional characters who possessed cutesy faces and wore skimpy outfits. I just didn't get it. I even scolded him for trying to get me to watch "Get Backers" episode 1!

After - Damn it, he's gotten me hooked! I love the storylines (especially the action-packed/crime-thrilling/mysterious/comical/senseless kinds) and I love the characters, especially those in chibi form! So kawaii!

[Sidetrack. "Chibi" is pronounced "chee-BEE" and not "chee-BYE". End of sidetrack.]

Now, I am ONE of those people who go gaga over fictional characters who, in turn, possess cutesy faces and wear (coincidentally) skimpy outfits. I am referring to Kazuki-chan's sexy off-the-shoulder tee of course. Hurhurhurrr.

#2: Make-up

Before - My closest girlfriends and observant bystanders would have known that I abhorred make-up and avoided it as if it were the plague. I loathed the idea of spending hours slapping "paint" over my face before I leave for an appointment. In fact, I'd gotten my girlfriends to make me up for the college prom night because I just didn't know how and was too lazy to learn.

After - Okay, I'm still not very sure how to apply mascara and eyeliner but then again, I *do* put on concealer and the likes before I leave for work. Hahaha. Alright, alright, it's because I'm older and getting vainer. :-D

That doesn't necessarily mean that I still don't look 18. Hurhurhurrr.

#3: Handbags

Before - I was the kind of girl who believed in being multi-purpose; the bag I carry must be big enough to fit in all sorts of junk so that I won't end up holding two or more other bags. In other sense, I lugged everything around in one BIG bag, usually a haversack, because it was the easiest on my shoulders. I used the same one haversack for various occasions: school, meet-ups with friends, family gatherings etc, until it gave way after a few years. I never ever used a handbag (unless it was for weddings or Eid outings) for casual purposes.

After - I've started using a handbag during outings with him. Not all the time, but sometimes, when I feel like a giggly schoolgirl. Hey, at least it's a start right? Better late than never. Anyhow, I don't use a haversack for daily usage nowadays. Instead, I've resorted to using a sports-like sling bag since the *one* huge, black tote that I'd been carrying started to wear at the seams. Must have been due to the amount of junk I'd thrown into it. Hurhurhurr.

Phew! Those were the main things that arrived at the top of my head. I wonder how it will be like 10 years down the road eh?

I'll get there, God willing. :-)

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