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09.04.2007 Monday morning @ 4:02 a.m.
*Of work, dreams and punctuality*

I've been having horrifying dreams pertaining to work/school (delete whichever you feel is applicable) as of late and it just shows how warped my mental state is. The situation at work is crazy, as always, and I know it seems really bad but I've resorted to counting down to available holidays just to survive the terms.

Anyway, yesterday I dreamt that I woke up super-late for work. I was supposed to be present in the hall at 12.30pm for assembly but I only stirred about an hour later. Even though my lessons don't begin until half past three on Mondays, I have a weekly level meeting to attend from 1.30-2.30pm and plus, my remedial is due to start this week (every Monday)!

So tell me how I could not have panicked in that particular dream. I was in a state of frenzy that I was at a loss as to whether I should report in sick or just march to work nonchalantly. Anyhow, my heartbeat was at a super-high (in the dream) and then before I knew it, I woke up. And realised that it was 10am on a Sunday.

I'm telling you, I've been having such dreams for some time now and I can't help it. It's a perpetual fear to be late for work because I have been known to be late on a few occasions last year and I'm trying my best to kick the habit.

Of course, I'm also trying my best to be just as punctual for appointments non-related to school but that is another story for another day. :-)

. . .

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