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20.09.2007 Thursday morning @ 12:22 a.m.
*Of nonsensical random and a call*

I am so childish and mildly obsessive compulsive. How to get married like that? Blergh. :S

And for the record, I would like to add that I love my Big Ben, with or without the tummy. Heeheehee.

As you might have realised, I am being nonsensically random. Gah!

. . .

One of my colleagues, a senior MT teacher, called me up earlier. She had passed me a home-cooked dish of *botok-botok for my breaking fast meal (even though I wasn't fasting actually) when she'd found out that I *do* eat such stuff.

Such a kind soul she is, really. She is always genuinely concerned about the well-being of those around her, especially the young ones (eh I am young okay), and very generous with her home-made cooking. Mmm mmm!

Anyhow, it was such a lovely surprise to see her name flashing on my phone. She merely wanted to know my take on her botok-botok. :)

*Note: Fish marinated in various spices and wrapped with herbal leaves, before being steamed. Best eaten with hot rice. Here is a recipe (in Malay, unfortunately) for those who are curious. Can't find any clear pictures, sorry. Ask your mam/aunt/grandma about that.

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