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18.11.2007 Sunday afternoon @ 1:01 p.m.
*Sunday update*

I've been too busy. Same old, same old. Past few weeks were a real challenge, especially Friday night. That was when I finally started on the overdue major clean-up of my room. I'd left this one very important chore to the last minute (the bed was to arrive on the following Saturday) as there were just too many things to be done at work and I always felt too tired to clean once I'd reached home.

I loaded myself with a bottle of Pepsi Twist before getting down and dirty. I think I did a good job of getting the dust bunnies out of the way albeit with some sniffles and plenty of sneezings later. (Will upload a few photos from the clean-up session soon.)

Anyhow, I became too zombified for my P1 Orientation duty on Saturday but all was worth it when the bed arrived! :-) My cousin then came over to help with some cleaning (part 2: wiping the furniture and clearing my dad's unwanted stuff on top of my wardrobe) before we rewarded ourselves with a late-night snack of savoury pastries.

I concussed on the couch soon after. Hurhur.

Ah, I have to skedaddle now. Will edit this post sometime tonight. Tirrah!

EDIT: I've posted the pictures in my Multiply. :-D

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