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13.03.2008 Thursday night @ 10:05 p.m.

Found this meme and I just can't resist. Hoo.

1. My ex is: out of my life. Thank God.

2. Maybe I should: go to class tomorrow, brace myself for ***, start running again, be less grumpy.

3. I love: my husband, caramel frappe, the colours blue and purple, close friends.

4. I don�t understand: myself at times.

5. I lose: my mood when I'm tired/hungry/sleepy.

6. People say I�m: unfriendly at first glance (proven!) but they change their minds when they get to know me better.

7. Love is: this and possibly more!

8. Somewhere, someone is: thinking of me! Hehe.

9. I will always: love my husband, no matter what.

10. Forever is: eternity in heaven.

11. I never want to: have anything to do with some people ever again.

12. I think the current US president: should listen to this song.

13. When I wake up in the morning: it's usually after my husband has done so.

14. My past was: something that my husband accepted.

15. I get annoyed when: I'm interrupted in the midst of work.

16. Parties are for: social butterflies, which I'm not.

17. My dog is: dead because I killed him off my handphone.

18. My cat is: alive, only in my head.

19. Kisses are the best when: they're between my husband and me. ;)

20. Tomorrow: is my favourite day and yet I have a course to attend in the morning. Bah!

21. I really want: some ice-cream and Pepsi Twist right now.

22. I have low tolerance for people who: are just shit.

And there you go.

. . .

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