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Some day on earth in 2003 @ Some time in space
*Some stuff on me*

This might or might not be useful to readers, since some (if not most of them) are close friends and know practically many things about me. Plus, I suck at describing myself so here goes nothing.

I'm the eldest of 3 supposed siblings, though there are only 2 of us right now. There's mama and ayah and plenty of relatives on both sides. Am a Muslim first, Boyanese next. Can't speak Boyanese though I understand it.

Passions include good books, good music, good food and good company. When all four passions combine, I'll be delirious. (Yes Pie, I'm delirious just like you. :p) Hercule Poirot, Mogwai, my ibu (my cousin's mam) who cooks great and the Kampung Clan are just some of the people whom I love.

Mildness is commonly associated with me. Meekness is merely an appearance. With volatile emotions, I roar. Anger has been known to induce extremely violent reactions but I don't usually go there. Jealousy though, is a constant weakness.

I procrastinate. Digress. Sidetrack. But I plead partial guilt, for Yahoo!, ICQ, IRC and MSN are there to distract me. And I let myself be distracted of course. *frown* I forgot the host. My number 1 distractor!

Thank you for reading. :)

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