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06.04.2003 Sunday morning @ 8:54 a.m.
*Theory on writing (again?)*

Did some minor changes to the HTML. Purple was beginning to bother me and it didn't suit the blue. So I've opted for neutral white.

Read some really ancient entries and they made me laugh. Seriously, comparing this and this made me realise how particular I've become on the whole aspect of writing. Guess it's got to do with me being an educator.

Finished a book and thinking when I can return three of them while I read the last one. They're beginning to clutter my already-starved-for-space study table, though I don't actually do much studying at it.

But hey, why am I talking about this when it's not even the thing that I want to write about?

Actually, I'd wanted to point out my theory on writing; that writing grows with time and space. I suppose having read my GE book brought about the effect. One's surroundings and era influences one's way of thinking and actions. So I was thinking, if one continues to write, depending on where one is, whom one is mixing with and what those other people are doing, one's writing gets better with time (I hope).

Just like writing an essay. You see your friends slog away on theirs like anything and you panic because you haven't done much nor anything yet. So you pick up your notes and references and start typing something, and then within a span of a day, you're actually editing and amending some bits of your hastily-typed essay.

But that's just my theory.

. . .

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