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16.05.2002 Thursday evening @ 6:36 p.m.
*So sue me*

I know what I talk about. I know what I write about. Do you?

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Damn. I'm so in love with this FV LP. Every song's fantastic, every melody I like, every chorus I sing-a-ling-a-long. Ahhh! I love this! =p

So I always make my observations but then God knows if I'm being observed by others too. I know He does, but then are they? Are you?

And yeah...I want to start calling you Rafika cos I think it's a nice combination. Can? Ehee...

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The past few days were hectic. Blardie hectic. Felt shitty right from the start of the week but now that it's close to the end of the week, I'm feeling reenergised. Maybe cos all the stoopid stressful stuff have been done with and well...okay so I lied. Not all but most. I still have to redo that CA2 Maths paper. Someone volunteered to help but hey, extra hands are always welcome. Anyone?!

Those who know me well would know that I hate the term 'minah'. Okay, hate sounds too strong. Loathe. I loathe. You loathe, we loathe, they loathe. Everybody loathes. But I particularly loathe it. I used that word on myself many many years ago and I found that I didn't like it. Maybe it's a stigma but then I seriously hated it.

If there's a Mat Rock, there's also a Minah Rock. If you read BigO issue #197 and The New Paper some time back, you'd know that the Mat Rock is very much alive. And hey, I have nothing against them. I have nothing against the female version or Minah Rock too. I just detest those youngsters on the streets who dress and act like they're some bigshot about to be president. I don't like their swagger and false bravado. I don't like what they do with their significant others. I don't like it that there are more and more of them and that they're getting younger by the day.

Maybe it's cos I'm getting older or maybe I'm just mean and biased. But hell man, this is why Anak Metropolitan is such a darn good show. It should be called a reality show because all you parents should sit up and see for yourselves what our youngsters are up to. I watched the show ardently for interest's sake in wanting to know what the reel Mats and Minahs would do and how they would end up. And maybe it was a fairytale family ending, or it wasn't as blissful as it should be, but I was happy. Though at the end of the day, you think again and you realise, as much as they want to portray the truth and nothing but the truth, it's just the goggle box you've been staring at for the past hour or so.

So I perceive the street Mats and Minahs to be like that. That's just my perception. Anyone else is free to think otherwise. And how I perceive Minah Tudungs is another different matter altogether.

Somehow, women who wear tudung are just that, women who wear tudung. The tudung is just a piece of cloth that covers your modesty at the end of the day. Or is it? There are so many variations now that I get pretty dizzy. What, tudunglah, dakwahlah, hijablah, ferringlah, jilbablah...enter the virtual world and you'll laugh away like me. Really, the good 'ol tudung has metamorphasized with various styles and designs. Ditto the fashionable calling lingo too.

But as I've always believed, if you're not ready, don't wear the tudung. If your heart isn't open yet, don't force yourself. Why? For fear that you'll become a Minah Tudung lah, that's why. =p

Har har, I'm kidding! =p

It's just that, I believe there are various responsibilities that have to be carried out once you are aware and you are ready to put on the tudung. It's not just about the cloth and the so-called "muslimah" image. It's also about keeping the faith, practising your 5 pillars regularly and doing as many good deeds as possible. Of course, there are many other things entailed but then I'm not an ustazah and I'm not qualified to teach ukhrawi. I'm the most bodoh-est of all.

I want to be like Bedah!! =p

The way I see it, though there are increasingly more and more Muslim women covering their heads and yada yada yada, there are also more Muslim women who are increasingly exposing themselves, unknowingly or otherwise. Are you aware? I wasn't. I am now. All praises to Him.

If you've gotten that disgusting email attachment about this one "muslimah" who was making out with her guy, you'll know what I mean. Like, so what if you're wearing tudung? You're doing all the bad things too. You know, I get the feeling that, THAT is what other people (Muslims or not) are thinking. And someone talked about us Muslims having to try and spread some understanding and awareness amongst non-Muslims? Nay, people, nay. I believe that if you want to do so, you'll have to start with the Muslims themselves. If the Muslims are ignorant and non-practising, then it's a shame to let the word "Muslim" adorn oneself like a crown. A mere title.

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I'm preaching. So hell yeah, sue me. So sue me man.

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