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19.05.2002 Saturday night @ 2:06 a.m.
*Slacking around*

Music -
Force Vomit

Tracks -

He's No Longer


(Are You) My Number One

Yr Ad Campaigns Empower Me

The Kids Who WTF

Auntie Trust

Go on. Have a listen. They won't mind. And don't forget to sign as well. :p

. . .

It's been a long time. Almost about 11 months? Been quite some time. But I'm okay with it. So we'll see how tomorrow (or later) goes. A 'lil wee excited.

I grabbed a bite with Huda at McD's Bedok. Showed her. Haha. I just want to show off ah. What a bitch I'm turning out to be. :p But heck, we just talked lar. And talked. And talked. And talked. We discussed some issues and some non-issues. Been about 4 days since I last saw her. Kinda missed her lar. :p If we weren't wearing tudungs, people might think we're lesbians or something cos we're together most of the time. Some people even thought we're sisters. Hahaha! What a joke. But then I can be the Fat Sister lar. :p

Whoops. I just farted. Hahaha! A mighty long one too. :p Come on y'all...fart with me NOW!!~ :p

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I'm so going to miss my kids. They are my kids man. They are MY kids. I don't care that I wasn't the one who gave birth to them. Heck, to give birth to 37 kids would be a total disaster man! But I just love them. I love my kids. There ya go. That's a sincere confession from moi. I really mean that even though I get angry with them at times and yada yada yada at them.

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I'm having menses.

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