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02.10.2004 Saturday night @ 10:07 p.m.
*Modern life is rubbish?*

I love colours. Absolutely absolutely absolutely. And I've just witnessed an array of colours at a spanking new house.

One could easily get lost, being new to the neighbourhood. However, I realised that it was actually pretty accessible, once one got the hang of it. Walk out straight from the block and onto the open road, cross over and board the only bus that goes to the stop there. It's merely a 5-minute ride from the interchange.

A bit spooky in the night though. Quiet. Too quiet. Absence of the neighbouring aunties and ah-peks. No playgrounds, no familiar-looking void decks with the stone seats. Just condo-esque skyscrapers with grille-less and tinted windows.

Welcome to THE modern living.

P/S: So would it be Northeast, East or West, love?

. . .

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