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01.09.2001 @ 12:14 a.m.
*It's a Friday!*

Oh gawd...I am so tired. Left school around 5 cos I was doing some work, and in the end I brought some work home to finish. Haven't done it yet but will get around to it. Hopefully.

Once at home I didn't know why but I suddenly had the energy to sit around and open up all my prezzies. Most of my gerls (even some from the other classes) gave me something, ranging from cards, pen-holders, pens, markers, a scarf (pink colour! uh...), cookies, flowers, chocolates and even perfume. I was touched but it WAS rather a waste of money. Although I'm not denying the fact that it's nice to get presents. Makes you feel a lil bit appreciated, but then I'm materialistic so like, who cares.

But the best thing of all were the hugs that I got from some gerls, namely Syaza, Shima and Raihana. These 3 just love holding on to me. Especially that Shima, suka nah melekit kat tangan aku. And there's this one cute lil gerl from 1C...the one who looks as if she's wearing eye shadow above one eye but she's not...she's so cute...loves to ask me to carry her. And she tried to *carry* me once but of korse that was unsuccessful. I did however, tried to indulge her by pretending to carry my arms ready and all that...and she placed her arms around my arms or something like that...went like, "Checher, checher, carry me!!!" But I didn't. :>

Oh well...I went tuition expecting to see that maknenek but then mak angkat dier dah amik dier lak. Sebok je mak angkat dier. Padahal padahal besok dier balik rumah Cik Su lagik in the afternoon. Waste time aje. Aku bagi sebijik dua bijik baru tau...huh...dah ler tu, aku tadi macam tak mengajar lak...takde mood seh...but then it was an English game so it was okay. Main Boggle...ape salahnye...building one's word power pe. I 15 marks, hur hur hur. Hai...

Damn! It's so nice to get hugs, even though they're from lil gerls. Kinda nice, cos I've never been hugged by lil gerls, haha. Oh well...whatever...nevermind.

. . .

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