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02.09.2001 @ 1:44 a.m.
*Swinging on the ledge*

That dinner was okay...I liked the mushrooms but the chicken was too lemony. Sour like. The performances weren't too bad. I liked the ragam of the dk...but the juara kinda couldn't sing as well as Kak Ain. Oh well, we all have our own standards and expectations. And speaking of Kak Ain, she was also in the dk but playing the percussion or something. Surprised me why she wasn't singing. Her voice is superb.

Gee...I'm amazed that I felt so sleepy while in the MRT. It was shocking. I'm the Queen of Late Nights, how can I not be an owl anymore? Is it due to workload and the body adjusting slowly but eventually to the early hours of the day? I wonder.

Tomoro I'm meeting them at 2.30 around there @ Joo Chiat? Gee...not confirmed yet. Better confirm quickly. Hmmm...anyhow, I refuse to let myself be bothered by trivial matters. Ya know what that means. Gawd...let next Friday be over and done with purlease!~ Kalau tak jadi pon aku happy sebab it is sooo redundant sebenarnya. I'm only doing this for Suhainis. Kesian dier asik kena dengar orang lain nye whining. Neway, I know better so takpelah. Ugh...dayus!

Hmmm...soal 7 tahun tu timbul lagik. Oh well, whatever nevermind. 7 tahun or not, anything can happen right? See lar how. Hmmm...aku rindu bro aku!!! Aku rindu maknenek tu!!! Dah lama tak jumpe orang2 dua nie. Satu kena penghambaan nasional, lagi satu kena angkut kat rumah makcik. Macam sia*. Okay okay fine that was a bad word but I'm having my menses so let me be ah. Mood swings mah. Period.

. . .

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