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07.10.2001 Saturday morning @ 2:22 a.m.
*3 gerls, a dinosaur and a lobang clan*

Let me see...aku tak write in on Thursday so let me just give a summary ah. Thursday aku gi outs ngan Suhainis jap after school...temankan dier and go makan and all...lama tul aku tak jumpe dier...kira I had her all to myself on that day...wahahahhaha! Then Friday (which was semalam semalam cos now dah Saturday night/Sunday morning) Syaza cried in class. She just sat down under her table and huddled into a ball with tears dropping down her face. Her hair was all over her face cos well, she has long hair..macam Sadako lak..seram aku..hehe..but then dier mcm gitu masa recess time..nak dekat 20 mins aku pujuk dier suruh duduk tul2 bilang aku ape jadi but then dier mcm taknak cakap gitu. Her partner pon pujuk mcm nak rak...but 15 mins after 10 I told her, "Eh Raihana, go and have your recess now." Sheesh...about then 5 mins later Syaza finally sat down properly..sobbing and sniffing on her which I asked her if she wanted to go to the toilet...which she did..I personally handed her some tissue, haha! Then masok class je the kids came back from recess...sheesh...then my free period gone lar one period...hahaha...but then still got 2 more periods free. :) sad see her cry...she's always so cheerful and always huggy2...tsk. I like getting hugs from her and Shima...make my day sometimes. That's why it's so depressing and worrying to see her cry. I don't like to see my kids cry...not good. One thing, they're sad, then you have to handle it in such a way that they stop being sad (in which cases they usually don't stop cos they like to do that a lot) but then if it takes too long it distracts the lesson so usually I let them cry their heads off at one corner. As the person with the nick would say...releksuah. Teehee...sigh. Tak sukalah dorang nangis2...tak bagus tau. :|

Then well...tadi (or semalam if ye prefer) aku outs ngan dorang as usual lah...mula2 gi Serangoon carik abang2 lobang...hahaha! Takde ah...aku gi sana cos nak carik kurta...Azila kan champion pakai kurta..hahaha..whoops! Er...ANYWAY! Aku dah dapat dah kurta aku...kaler silver-grey gitu..lawa 'mader' pilihkan tau..dari pangkat makcik dier naik jadi pangkat mader...wahahhahaha! But then lawa lah itu baju...bargain some more...kalau bole dapat lagi murah tapi aku dah tercakap 13 is okay so 13 lah jadinye. Abbas pon beli jugak...tapi dier beli kaler dark blue...lawa jugak...hers makcik bargain kasi 12...senang je dier bargain...hehe. Next time nak beli pape mesti bawak Azila...dier ngan si pakcik tu dua2 terrer at bargain-membargain. Phew! Sep duit aku gini mcm sia...~

Ah lepas tu gi Orchard semayang @ Al-Falah then gi mamam @ Sakura. Actually aku nak bawak dorang gi Dahlia's but then dah tercut short so takpelah...takyah aku nak explain kat sini. Yang baca tu kalau tak tau takpelah...tak payah tau lah ye...pada yang tau tu, baguslah simpan pada diri sendiri ye...terima kasih. Neway tadi gi makan tu ade one extra person...itulah 'kawan' si pakcik tu...wahahahhaa...akhirnye aku berjumpe dengan dier...lawa tu anak...aku lupa dier bukan our age but yger but then aku ingat dier lagik tua lak sebab she got a mature face ah. Oh well..but then mcm takleh bebual lak..entahlah, like something there that's hindering the bebual-ing process? Macam...entah ah, susah nak explain ah.

Then lepas tu bebual ngan Zila jap...kinda nice ah go home one to welcome me at home anyway...hahaha...mcm s*al ar...hahaha. Nah I wasn't swearing at her...just felt like doing that cos it's morning and I dunno what else to say. Sheesh...that's damn messed up of me. Okay I swear although I started to write this @ 2.22 just's approximately 3.53 now...oh my gawd...okay I gotta go!

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