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14.10.2001 Sunday morning @ 1:23 a.m.
*A Summary of Songs: All In a Week's Work*

Music is so wonderful to the ears. I realise I can't live without it. I need all my Mogwais and Urbankarmas and Pumpkins and Radioheads and what-elses. I haven't switched on the PC for like 3-4 days and thus...I miss my music. They're all in there I tell ye...they save me from despair. Hur hur hur. Help!

I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Hoo~

Hur hur now..of korse ye know I was singing along to that Beatles number...nice one. But now Dial:Revenge is playing and um, missed the Welsh. Hahaha! And yeah I miss a lot of people 'scaryguy' (ptui!), 'Rajen', 'Ah Hock', 'nougat', Alia, semah nye twin, Fiza, Veera etc etc...I miss ALL those people. Hur hur hur...dang.

"May nothing but happiness come your way." Oh well...sure...may only happiness rejoice but then it's not a perfect world. Ladidadidadidadia...I haven't been writing in much I know...but then I quote biggie: "...don't write cos I don't want to remember..." Get it? Unhappy or not...but then sometimes ye just can't be bothered lar. It just gets to a point whereby ye're thinking, "Hey...but so what if I write it all down? When I read it again I'm always gonna be constantly reminded by it and then I just can't get it out of my system. So forget it." Like, who cares?

Summer, spring, autumn, winter. Too bad we don't have these seasons but then I'm thankful at least we don't have to experience cold weather like those...y'know. So like...saw scaryguy last week...told ye in my dream right? Damn. I knew I forgot something. Oh well...and then like the following day or whenever, I saw Rajen - the fake one - at the NPP. He works there sia...gotta tell Alia! And hmmm...yesterday I didn't go to that Pentas thingy cos I'm thinking, I'm not gonna make it even if I rush like hell. All sweaty and tired with a disgusting smell about me...GAWD! ( it comes again...) But like I went for tuition after Maghrib...and I expected...there wasn't gonna be any tuition cos me and my aunt brought the little maknenek out to TM. We met Yaya+family along the way...kinda nice to see them cos haven't been in touch for ages. My aunt asked me when I was "going to bring him home". I'm story but there's no more him. Hahaha...! To which she replied, "Alamak...dah ketinggalan zaman lah..." Oh well, redundant.

"I wanted to be the ex-cowboy from Kappa-dom." No, really. I wished I was one. Hur hur hur...went out yesterday (Saturday lar dod...) to the RCS Studio Das (or something like that) to see the recording of Seni'lysis for the programme Ria Rock. Like duh...DJ Chakal??? Oh purlease~...I could roll right there and then! But, was great lar...they played some great tunes...but then I was of korse really waiting for Urbankarma...cos they were having that launching of their T-shirt. WHICH...I ordered. Hehehe...choice of 2 or white...chose the green one. Pakai kat rumah ar...sayang ar takde long sleeve...kalau tak aku dah peragakan kat luar. Wahahahahha...! Met some nice nice people...Syikin/Shikin was okay lah...I mean I don't really know her but then I thought she was kinda decent enuff to help the band with the merchandise. She's in IE ye know...hur hur hur. Okay...and erm...of korse I saw my favourite drummer...yeay!! Wahahaha...but then I also met Ayemz and dagu and pakcik tu jangan cakap ar...wahahahahha! Right...and then I realised...sumer orang cute2 ah...wahahhahahaa...! Everyone around me was cute...even the waiter @ Pizza Hut! Ye Hairul...kite pegi makan kat Pizza Hut...tu lah kau...kena band meeting lagi kan...kesian~

Darn...Ragina should have been there with us cos she likes that guitarist and yeah...he IS kinda cute too...kinda reminds me of Lan. Hehehehe..cara dorang senyum ngan mata2 sekali...and their similar! Tu pasal aku aku pernah dengar this kind of laughter eh? Damn. Hahaha...and that guy from Seni'lysis...aku tak tau lah nama dier...Irfan ke hape..he was one of the guitarist ke bassist. Yang pakai cekak tu...memeranjatkan semah dan aku masa kite nak keluar pintu...adoit...terkejut beruk aku dibuatnye. Haiyak!

Aku teringat lak si Suhaila tadi pagi masa aku tepon rumah semah.

Big Suhaila: Hello...Suhainis ade?

Lil Suhaila: Suhainis? Er...kejap eh.

(In the background, "Kak Anis ade tak?" A while later...)

Lil Suhaila: Dier takde.

Big Suhaila: Oh okay...takpelah. Tapi dier ade bawak hp dier tak?

Lil Suhaila: Hp? Er...kejap eh.

(In the background, "Dier bawak hp tak?" A while later...)

Lil Suhaila: Er...ntah, tak tau.

Big Suhaila: Oh...ok takpelah...bye.

Wahahahahahha....gile sak!

Darn...aku rasa gastrik dah mendatang. Semenjak dua menjak nie perut aku asik sakit2 aje...nie kes makan tak betul lah nie. Kat skolah tak makan...kat rumah rakus macam tembolok. Lepas tu end of the week...PROTTT!~ Sumer keluar...kan dah bau...ish. Okaylah...tadi pagi berak, baru nie pon dah berak...asik berak aje...boring ah. Macam budak P1 lak...tsk!

. . .

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