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09.11.2001 T.G.I.F!!! @ 8:42 p.m.

Yeah...hell yeah...THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! =) I just can't help smiling cos I feel this past week has been hectic BUT fulfilling. There were many things that I discovered about myself (besides the numero uno fact that I'm the Queen of Laziness...*lol*) like I didn't realise I could actually be an umpire. Wtf??!! was GREAT! I know I'm new but then again, getting tips and pointers from Kak S-- and L helped a lot. And ML, she's been fantastic. She's been pushing me out to 'promote' me so to speak...and oh, I musn't forget Mrs C cos she too helped me a lot. Plus all the other wonderful teachers...yada yada yada...Kak A, N, H, Kak H---, Mrs H, J etc many to mention...let's see whether I can remember...oh yah! Mdm T, Mdm L, CG, CR, CA, Kak Nora (different one lar dey...*grin*), wah lau...the list seems endless but then again, I really appreciate the help that these (and probably some other) people have been giving me. It's wonderful, I'm telling ya it's wonderful. They are jewels of teachers...they are gems...and I'd also like to make a special mention going out to a certain someone who certainly made my day today. *grin* Oh one in particular...just a wonderful friend...didn't know I could be so inspiring..hehehe..but then it was YOU who inspired me. And I dunno if you could call me innovative or creative, cos I certainly am not...but I've learnt the hard way that whatever that I'm not sure of or I don't have the faintest idea...I have to ask. Even if it's the most stupidest question in the world...or even if it makes me seem all blur like sotong...I still have to ask. Plus, when I look at you, you're just so dedicated to what you do (in fact in our particular line) that it truly amazes and inspires me to become somewhat like you. Like, well, all that role model kinda shit...yah like that lar...only this time it's from peer to peer. *grin* So thanks again...cos you certainly made my day today! *smile*

Oh well...I know I haven't been writing much since last Saturday(?), Sunday(?)...but then again there wasn't much to write on Monday and for the past 3 days I've been conking off so damn early...Gracy couldn't believe I conked out. *lol* But it was great...cos Tuesday was the day I went out with that wonderful friend of mine who is truly THE ONE who has been inspiring me all this while (even Kak Nora was amazed that I'm quite close with you, you know)...and yah we went out and browsed at books + bought books + had dinner/dessert...and then we met Limah! Heheheheh...such a coincidence...then so long haven't met her some more. But so nice~...then Wed I was in for a starstruck day...okay not just me, the kids too! Cos like Tan Kheng Khua and Lim Yu-Beng came to our school for an SCV performance kinda thingy...and I was so starstruck that I asked Shah Fiany to get me their autographs also...hahaha, the line was so long! Crazy ah...want to go and line up myself?! No way! More than half the class, or should I say...more than half the P3s, 4s, 5s and 6s population queued up for autographs. Gawd...that Tan Kheng Khua...she's so damn gorgeous in person, even without she's so slim at 33 and so fit and so hyper. Gawd...I can't imagine some of the teachers doing that...*lol* for mebbe ML...cos to me she is ultra hip and happening. *grin* And that Lim Yu gawd, he is so gorgeous...he simply oozes that sex appeal, y'know? I mean hey, okay so he's bald...but then there's just something about bald men that makes me go ga-ga...hahaha! Oh my gawd...if that pakcik sees this he's gonna talk cock sia...mampuih! (Okay pakcik...aku tau kau nak kenakan aku lepas nie!~) did gentlyfall appear?! I thought it was Sigur R�s?! Eh eh...okay I've been too absorbed in writing that I didn't realise the song's over...tsk. Okay so *phew*...that was moving on to yesterday...nothing much happened save for my 5C BEATING THE SHIT OUTTA THEIR OPPONENTS! Wahahahahaha...!! So happy for them! I mean hey, okay so mebbe I was the one umpiring but...BUT...Kak S-- was there too...and their opponents really did a lot of footwork...and it's not as if I didn't blow the whistle on my fact I blew a lot on Wileen cos she did a lot of footwork...we presented the trophies this morning and it felt good standing there in front of everyone announcing to the rest of the world that MY class won! Yeay!~ *smile smile*

Geez...I can't help smiling today can I? Even though I had to deal with really annoying parents just now...who else but those of NB...aiyah they're famous lar...the whole school (and probably the whole world) knows about them. The mother's damn young sia...the dad's so dowdy and old...he's not even half as charming or charismatic as Connor or Reynolds. More English mebbe but like, They're so annoying...this cannot, that cannot...I mean I don't mind feedbacks...and the others don't mind too, but not last minute ones dampens you know, especially when you have to do processing + printing and all that. Gawd~...why can't these type of parents just f--- off? Ugh! But then again, the day ended alright...even though I reached home later than usual...around 6.30++ cos I had to escort the TL gerls for their performance @ MBS. The teachers there were so nice and hospitable but the goodness...such manners. I mean, okay it's not like our kids are that fantastic either but at least our kids have the decency to be quiet and watch someone else it good or bad. And at least they have the decency to listen! Gawd...those MBS kids rude. I'm giving feedback lar...mebbe if I meet up with the teachers I can say something...not complain mind you...just perhaps suggest nicely that maybe the kids can just show a little more consideration for those on stage, that's all. Now let's make the world a better and happier place~...

"If you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills where the landslide brought it down..."

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