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18.11.2001 Sunday morning @ 2:57 a.m.
*Frigging Asses (part 1)*

Almost 3 on a friggin' Sunday. And I'm bored. And I feel low. And I'm just not worthy. Dang. Why in the world would I want to feel like this right now? I have no idea. Or maybe, just maybe...I DO have an idea, or perhaps several ideas..but I just refuse to accept them. Huh.

Argh!!!!! Frigging asses. Stoopid f---ing dumb-asses. Nincoompoops. Tommy-rotting decaying flesh. I'm raging a war against ALL of you! Yes, ALL of you who have done a wrong or many wrongs against me. By the power of the Al-Mighty make them see make them see. By the power of the Al-Mighty make them see make them see. By the power of the Al-Mighty make them see make them see.

I just prayed to God to make this world a nicer, happier and kinder place to live in. Amen.

. . .

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