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23.11.2001 Friday D-Day @ 2:25 a.m.
*Getting all philo like a shrink*

It's THE day! =) I think most of you friends know what day it is...and geez, that reminds me...that unfinished business STILL has not been done...tsk. Okay, shall get down to it after this...most, most essential!

(listening+singing along to...?)

MJB's "Everything" the video...waterfalls and blue skies and such heavenly scenic shots...*sigh*...this laydee sure has a lot of soul in wonder she's the Queen of Hip Hop...geez.

Somehow, I'm reminded by someone. Hmm...

Oh well, haven't seen the likes of him around...ages ye think? Nora the senior commented that I seem to be ultra-chatty whenever he's mentioned...sorta hyper y'know? And I once said that "haven't seen him for ages"...and how long was "ages"? One week. Sheesh...I'm doubly pathetic. I rant and rant and rant and now I'm beginning to sound like the KH novel that I borrowed...all long-winded. Bleah. I'm beginning to disgust even me.

One friend's down in the dumps due to something. Kinda feel sorry for the person but then again, me feeling sorry won't change anything. I feel so useless know? Cos like I couldn't exactly make a difference when my friend's low. Hi-low...drink milk...good fer ye. Huh? Okay...I'm digressing...let's get back on track. (Kinda difficult to type and sing along to DC's bouncy beats. Geez...what happened to my Mogwai?!)

As I was saying, I couldn't really make a difference. I felt that the person himself/herself should initiate the change. Sorta like self-motivation you know? But then again, when you're low on the spirits, how on earth can you motivate yourself? Beats me. The stoopid manual in school said that don't blame others if you don't feel motivated, but yourself. Ouch that like fair? When there are other contributing factors? Environment, distractions, other commitments, stress etc etc etc..."I'm not gonna compromise my...?" Leave that to you to figure out.

I'm just going to boggle you with something here...

un: be proactive

deux: put the end in mind

trois: put first things first

quatre: think win-win

cinq: seek first to understand, then to be understood

six: synergise

sept: sharpen the saw

No prizes for guessing correctly where all that came from...*copyright*...danke schoen. I just hope they come in handy in life...who knows? Wallahu'alam bissowab.

To this one particular friend...lift your chin up..march on forward not go gentle into that goodnight..fight on and persevere..for success is through perseverance. My 'ol skool motto...hope it helps in one way or the other, Insya Allah.

. . .

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