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26.11.2001 @ 3:24 a.m. Monday morning
*W H I M S I C A L*

WeeeeeeeEEEeeeeeeeee~...gosh, the very proof that my existence is slowly coming to a halt...tsk! I realise this time of the day is very very good to update stuff, listen to music or generally chill. There's no one around in the room save for me (the real AND virtual rooms) and I'm just enjoying a quiet moment losing myself in this music. Particularly boyband-ish, but then people go ga-ga over them...this isn't too bad either this song...prefer this one to 'Papercut'. :)

But love for classics has never been demolished...not only do I love literature, I also love classics like this Kate Bush number. It's like having a scene from the book itself being played right in front of me. Gosh...wonderful, simply wonderful. And her voice, rich and powerful. As compared to all the Celine Dions and Mariah Careys and what-nots, Kate Bush is a true gem of a female singer. Hail! Not only is she a fantastic example, she's like this super-icon who's constantly enchanting listeners with her terrific voice. It might sound child-like to some or those not used to the charisma of her vocal prowess, but to me it encompasses a true, beautiful essence of music. (I guess most of you are pretty clueless already, so...erm...STOP!)

Moving on to homegrown, I admit I was once skeptical about the so-called 'scene'...and I still am, mind you! But now there is a definite change within me, and though I admit, my love for homegrown music was not inate to begin with, I am slowly discovering the beauty of it all. All the various genres...I listen to it ska or metal or electro-folk or rock or groovy 70s...I just listen to 'em all. Ahh...I sound as if I'm one heck of a big-shot critic, but then I can be any critic here...and best still, I'm my own worst who are all those faggots who actually dare to question what I pen here? As I've said in one of my earlier entries, if you don't like what you read here, then you can buzz off and don't return. You actually have a choice you know. You can choose to stay and read quietly (or better still, sign the g-book yah?) and you can choose not to read. As simple as that. It's the consequences that you can't choose, but the choices you can. That's why it's important to think before you act. Don't be rash. Weigh the pros and cons 1st before deciding on something.

Damn...why am I sounding like a freaking hell social worker?!

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