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30.11.2001 Thurs nite/Fri morn @ 12:44 a.m.

Wayhey! Welcome to a new and improved journal life Journo! I'm so ecstatic ecstatic ecstatic...erm...yeah I am! Cos now you have a new look and it's all blue and I just lurrrve the smiley face and it's so beautiful...if I might say so myself, haha. All thanks to a wonderful friend who's so willing to help. =) Thanks biggie-man! Heheheh...this guy is truly THE bomb, man. I mean like without his help, I don't think this journal would have risen to a new level. Phew...okay credits said and done.

I never seem to run out of books to read nowadays. It's like just cos it's the hols more and more books seem to pop out of nowhere. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, no. It just means I get to enjoy one of my ultimate passions haha! And upon reading one of Nora's entry (hey you're famous cos I just mentioned your name!) I realised that yah, reading, writing, music...all these aren't my hobbies. No they're not. Those are my PASSIONS. Just like I have a passion for literature and classics...a passion for maths, hell yeah I have a passion for it *lol*...I can't deny that I'm truly passionate about these things. Just like biggie's passionate about his graphics and Limah is passionate about cooking (er...probably? *grin*), I have a passion for those things. Man, sometimes it doesn't pay to be passionate but then who cares?! many passions but I enjoy it. Like how I'm so passionate suddenly about this song I just downloaded. It's an old track but it's like I'm hearing it for the 1st, which I am, hehe.

What would I be without my passions?

. . .

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