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06.01.2002 Sun morn @ 5:08 a.m.

Congratulate me. It's 5 am and I still haven't done my work. Yet. Tsk. And I want to go and watch LOTR AGAIN for the THIRD time later like this??? Argh!

Went the 1n2 Raya jalan-jalan. Okay lar, went pretty alright. Went a total of 5 houses but everything was cosy. 'Nuff said.

The other day I was asking all my non-existent readers whether they existed in the 1st place. And I guess yah, you do exist don't you readers? I just received news from a friend that I had an unexpected reader and boy, was I shocked! Uh-oh...I just hope he doesn't know what's really going on and who's who. If not, I'm gonna be dead. Okay well, not really dead but just half-dead. Khkrehkrhekre.

Now I'm really dead. *bushed*


I don't think I want to end this entry yet. But I was just thinking while I was in the cab earlier in the day, I might just end this diaryland thingy altogether. I dunno, just like...end it. Like that. Cos mebbe I'm sick and tired of it. Not cos of the updates. I lurrrve the updates! It's just that, well...maybe I shouldn't have told anyone about this. Maybe I should have just kept mum to myself. Maybe this and maybe that. Oh, I don't know for frigging's sakes! I mean, this isn't a website. It's just a diary. A journal. Why must it be beautified? Personalised I can understand but why did I bother to have it altered? Why couldn't I just stick with my original boring and blue template? Why did I have to tell people about this? Why did I? Why? Why? WHY?!


I think I know why. It is so obvious. I am plainly a moron, down and outright. I'm just too arrogant for words. I'm vain. I want people to know me. I crave to be known. I yearn to be known. And yet, it is so ironic. All the little bits and pieces of my private and personal life are here. I entail information that aren't supposed to be told. I spread the word around about this. I even had a guestbook! Tsk. What was I thinking?? Am I getting to be too self-absorbed? Too self-confident? Too self-admirable? Getting too big for my boots??


I will always be a constant reminder to myself that I am a self-absorbed moron, a big-headed bitch and a freaking loser. Period.

. . .

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