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27.01.2002 Sun nite @ 11:29 p.m.

I can't believe I've been online since 8. This is outrageous. I'm wasting my net space. Argh!












But then again, I pay for it. *flies around the room*


I have no idea. I mean, I was supposed to go pray straight after I took my ablutions but then I guess I've been sidetracked by my CD player.

Was listening to: The Cure

Choice selection lar...all from "Galore". But I only chose to listen to a few like the favourites. *smile*

Somehow, there's a song by the same title from another group. I say group cos I don't consider them a band. Okay, they are a sort of band but that's only cos they're a boyband. You know what that is.

(checks clock)

This is really too much. Hold on while I pray.

(time check: 11.40 pm on a Sunday)

Great, I've done my Isyak. What now? *ponders* Hmmm...where have all the cowboys gone??!! Maybe I should just play on Cole. Argh!


Now listening to: M. Nasir

As usual I'm stuck on the album. Gorgeous...I can't stop gushing. Har har...beautiful! =) many reflections. Done, doing, to do. I don't feel like reflecting now. But some other people have to reflect. A friend of mine has been reflecting and somehow, it hurt. Well, I don't know what exactly it is, but then I find that it's normal. We all get hurt once in a while if not all the time. And I guess if we are not happy with something, we do something about it. But do what? That's up to every individual isn't it? It's not up to me to tell you what to do. I can't be doing that cos it isn't my life. It's yours. I don't have any right even to tell anyone straight in the face "it's retribution" or whatever crap. Some people have to learn manners. When will they learn?


Should go now. But don't feel like it. There's a stoopid meeting somewhere in the week that I have to attend. But I'm not even supposed to attend it. What a complete waste of my time. Or should I just embrace it and go, "Oh...what a most bee-yoo-tea-fool meeting! I simply must go!" Bleah. Tell me something, which employee doesn't want to do less work? Not like I haven't been doing my fair share of it cos they simply push most of it to me, but I'm not even a HOD! Argh!!!

This is bullying of the extreme kind. Bleah.

. . .

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