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29.01.2002 Tues nite @ 11:17 p.m.
*PMS Mode*

Moods change I know, but today, my mood was definitely pissed-off. There was slight irritation but it was definitely a whole affirmative pot of pissiness. I finally experienced the ultimate S'porean trait: kiasuism.

I'm proud to be a S'porean and I definitely am proud of my motherland, though technically my motherland should be somewhere in the Bawean Islands, but that's a different story. The main point is, although I'm mostly proud to be one, I am not proud of the people here. Who said I am? I only confirmed my love for the country (and its oh-you-should-obey-if-not-we-will-pose-a-fine-on-you rules), not the citizens. Okay, not all of them but some of them. Bleah.

I definitely have something to say about this, and being a true-blue S'porean, I will complain. Hah! Readers are welcome to respond and please, feel free to write as you like it. So long as you don't defame openly (har har) I'm fine with it. *grin*

So there I was, waiting for the goddamn bus, feeling very very sick, tired, weary, hungry, dizzy, groggy, sleepy, blah blah blah (fill in all the appropriate adjectives yourself please), and boy, was I thankful that it came as soon as I'd set foot on the pavement. I have a penchant for committing the silliest, childish acts and one of these acts (as I've discovered just) is to flick my card-holder-pass which contains all 3 of my farecards (see what I mean about kiasuism?), an almost-expired phonecard (since I don't possess whatchamacallit gadgets ye call mobile/handphones), an affirmatively-expired Starhub Hi-card which belonged to my cousin (ended up in my possession cos of the sleep-over recently) and lots of bus tickets which I'd been collecting like nobody's business over the months. I flicked the holder-pass once and flop! All its contents spilt out, just at the minute the bus popped its rearview mirror from the corner. Bleah. As I was frantically collecting all my beloved transportation items, not a single one of those bloody would-be passengers and definitely-would-be-victims-of-my-wrath-had-I-put-my-head-into-it stopped to help. Now, usually, I wouldn't even give a fuck but lately, I've been in this ultra-edgy mood which I suspect is the result of my impending PMS. And to think I actually bother to help those what-you-call damsels and dudes in distress whenever they're in need. Bleah! I'm such a wuss! Argh!

Okay...calm down...calm down...happy thoughts...happy thoughts...(breathes in)...(breathes out)...okay I'm cool. Chill. Okay.

Moving on shall I, in the bus itself there were these idiotic little arseholes who were pretending to be so gung-ho and "adult-like" that I just felt like going over to each of them and giving them a tight slap on each of their bloody idiotic faces. Bleah. Probably sec. 3 students at most...can't be older than that cos sec. 4s are less rowdy. I agree with myself cos I've been in the same exact situation myself and most of you would have gone through it too, unless you're still like that. *smirk* Right, I'll stop with the insinuations. I'm horrible.

So once I'd gotten out of that bus, I quickly made my way to the feeder one and making my way through to the 2nd-last seats area, there was another idiot who was so "kind" so as to let me sit on one of the empty seats. The problem was, he was damn blocking the passage! He could have sat down beside his lady friend who was busy yakking away to him (she being a Minah and he being a Beng, so there's a nice combi...Minah and Beng...har har) but noooo...he preferred to be the "gentleman" and stand there, swinging his arms on the rail-rings like a mad monkey, and oh! What a beautiful coincidence...I just narrated a story in school where a monkey was involved, bloody ass. Hah! The middle-aged fat uncle who was sitting opposite the Minah showed the finger (intended for the Beng lar) as I was inbetween them in the course of the passage, and I suspected that I wasn't the only one who felt mighty irritated and pissed off at that blocking-the-way Beng. Bleah.


I've changed my mood cos I'm no longer feeling annoyed or pissy or irritated. I know it's coming's coming's coming's coming on...(to the tune of Clint Eastwood please), yippeeeeee!~

Ah...what the fark...can't wait to surf the crimson tide!

. . .

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