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07.04.2002 Sunday night @ 9:26 p.m.
*And the award for the Most Annoying PC goes to...*

I'm like so fucking pissed. I had to reboot the fucking PC for FOUR BLOODY TIMES and all I'd wanted to do was to do my work. Is that so hard to comprehend??!!


Sundays are never nice days. Hardly. I never did like Sundays. I never will. It's like that cos the next day is a Monday. But then I'm usually alright on Mondays. However, I think my mood is extra-vulgar cos of the impending menses. It's usually like that. I'll start to pig out, have terrible mood swings, curse and swear like nobody's business and start feeling pissy all of a sudden. Then once the tide comes I'm all normal again.

How many times have I talked about this? Menses coming + sucky behaviour + alrightness back...menses coming + sucky behaviour + alrightness back...menses coming + sucky behaviour + alrightness back...hummm. Hormones work wonders. But then again, women alike should and would know what it's like. We are, after all, women. By the way, I'm talking about natural women, i.e, those born girls, females..not the ones who underwent the surgeon's knife and emerged as beautiful butterflies. They wouldn't know what I'm talking about, cos they ain't got the right tools anyway and even if they did, I fail to see how? Cut and make the new instrument? A 'lil gross some might say, but it's possible. Hmmm...oh-kay, I'm not grossed out. Are you?

Back to what I was ranting about initially, even before I started the day, I was in this weird dream. I dreamt that Biggie was driving this one van or something and there was another passenger besides me. Think it was his mam, haha. But then again, Biggie was driving all the way to Johor, and of course, all 3 of us had our passports. But when we reached customs, I realised that my passport had expired. Wahlau...Biggie looked sooo disappointed. But I caught the bus home anyway. Hur hur hur.

When I got up, I realised that I keep having weird dreams and then it dawned on me. Jannah might be going to Angsana today with ibu. Orh...

Damn...feel like koon-ing.

. . .

Let's see, I need to make up a list. A shopping list.

Things I want

1. Mogwai CD "Come On Die Young".

2. The Beautiful South CD greatest hits thingy which I forgot the title.

3. New scarves which aren't that transluscent nor small nor slippery nor expensive (har har).

4. Colour ink for my printer which has been hibernating for over a year.

5. More sports bajus as well as nice feminine-looking bajus cos my aunt complains I'm not feminine enough.

6. More skirts due to the same reason.

7. Okay, heck lar...more feminine accessories cos she likes to say I'm too boyish/mannish blar blar blar.

8. A clean, dust-free room cos been ages since I last made the effort to steer the dust away...okay actually not that long cos the room's sweeped everyday but it's not wiped everyday...geddit??

9. A new computer cos the monitor likes to make new colours and diffuse them altogether and then the CPU likes to hang itself whenever I bloody need to do my work.

10. A sofa bed cos it'll look cool in my room and my friends can sit on it everytime they come over and then when I'm feeling all lazy and sleepy I can just pull it out and v�ila! I have a bed.

Please take note that I'm very very grateful for all presents and cousins, if you're reading this, I love the baju, thank you very much. These aren't exactly things that I want for my birthdays cos I know people are broke and no, it's not possible to buy me a computer nor a sofa bed as presents unless you're Richie Rich, but these are just things that I want to have. I'm an Earth person, I enjoy material comforts, and yes I admit I am materialistic. But then again, who isn't?

. . .

Frigging Mr Freeze. Ganging up on me issit??


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