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22.06.2002 Saturday morning @ 1:48 a.m.
*Cleaning and Cooking*

Sounds of : Superheroes of BMX - Small Children In The Background - Yes! I Am A Long Way From Home

I've been absorbing myself in heavy reading. Just can't get enough of books. Oh! The lovely words and sentences running in sweet straight paragraphs. Such a pleasure to my squinting glassy eyes. Hah! A total of eight magnificent books piled up high on a clattered table, it's just too fabulous for words. *grin*

I'm showing off again. Hur hur.

Okay, okay, so I've been boring myself. Done a lot of rotting and idling and *gasp gasp* I haven't done any work! Oh hell. *smirk* I'm cleaning out the wardrobe as I type. Not.

The wardrobe is a very Evil place. It is a domain full of Little Evil Things and Smelly Musty Smells. Hur...should give you an idea of what my wardrobe's like now shouldn't it? *smirk* So it's like a rubbish bin but who cares? At least I was inspired enough by the Evil Twin to try and do something about it. At least half of the contents are packed not-so-neatly in a box, which is, I'm afraid, rather dusty as well. Hur hur. But then again my life is an irony. I keep complaining that I'm allergic to dust but yes, I'm actually cohabiting with dust. Tsk. I'm schmoozed!

Hmmm...*thoughtful*...there seems to be a Magic Circle made up entirely of clothes. Pants, T-shirts, blouses, socks, underwear...gosh...I can start a seance! Hur hur hur. But what can I possibly call? The Spirit of the Washing Machine?

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One of my dearest friends cooked for me the other day. And what was the dish you might ask? Egg curry. Ehee! But there was still chicken and meat alongside the usual potatoes and tomatoes and what-nots. Nyam nyam...I actually starved myself so that I'd be able to enjoy the dish whole-heartedly.

But this brings me to say that I, unfortunately, have not been "sharpening the saw" lately. My kitchen knives are as sharp as yesterday's yesterday and the pan has been untouched by me for days. :p What can I say? I haven't been cooking! Lazybones hath struck again!~

In any case, whichever person ends up with my friend is a lucky person indeed. *wink*

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It's been a dull month.

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